3 Easy Methods to Remove Conformal Coatings form PCB_Products News_News | 2-Part Acrylic Adhesive, Structural Acrylics, UV Resin, Cyanoacrylate manufacturer│TEX YEAR Since 1976

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3 Easy Methods to Remove Conformal Coatings form PCB


When you need to repairs or replace PCB components, it's often necessary to remove the conformal coating from PCB. During PCB maintenance or component replacement, you may face the problem that how to clear away the old coating to reapply a new one. Therefore, understanding how to remove the HumiSeal UV coating is crucial. Can conformal coating be removed? Definitely! This article will discuss three method used removal methods to meet various needs.

The products covered in this article are:


  • UV40, UV40-250
  • UV50LV
  • UV500, UV500LV

3 methods for the removal of HumiSeal UV coatings:


  1. Mechanical removal: Powder Micro Abrasion
  2. Thermal removal: Burn Through
  3. Chemical removal


All three methods will effectively remove the coating, depending on the process requirements, to allow individual component replacement and subsequent re-coating.


Watch how Micro Abrasion System works


How To Remove All HumiSeal UV Cure Products


1. Mechanical Removal: (Powder Abrasion Method)

A powder abrasion system will safely and selectively remove HumiSeal UV cure conformal coatings from various components on printed circuit boards without causing any mechanical or ESD damage. The HumiSeal powder abrasion system is fully equipped with adjustable powder flow control and air pressure regulation to enable removal of the coating from pinpoint areas to larger areas. This method requires some relative dexterity as it uses high velocity particles delivered through a nozzle.


Watch how Powder Abrasion System works


2. Thermal Removal (Burn Through Method):

De-soldering techniques can be used to burn through or degrade a conformal coating. The temperature of the soldering iron decomposes the coating into a powdery solid that is easily removed from the substrate. This allows access to the underlying solder connections for component removal and replacement.


The temperature of the soldering tip needs to be at least at 450C. Place the tip next to the areas that need to be reworked and touch the tip on the coating surface. As HumiSeal UV coatings have excellent high temperature stability, the high temperature of the tip will only melt the coating into white solid powder rather than actually burn it.