Conformal coating is a protective coating or polymer film 25-75µm thick (50µm typical) that ‘conforms’ to the circuit board topology. Its purpose is to protect electronic circuits from harsh environments that may contain high humidity, a range of airborne contaminants and varying temperatures. By being electrically insulating, it maintains long-term surface insulation resistance (SIR) levels and thus ensures the operational integrity of the assembly. It also provides a barrier to air-borne contaminants from the operating environment, such as salt-spray, thus preventing corrosion.
Conformal coatings are a breathable protective layer that will protect against the particular environment the PCA is exposed to by filtering out the airborne contaminants and maintaining long-term surface insulation resistance but will also allow any moisture trapped in the circuit board to escape.
The concept of a conformal coating of electronics was originally proposed and developed through research to meet the demanding requirements of the military decades earlier. HumiSeal was a part of that early research and has remained a pioneer and leader for over 60 years as the technology has expanded to an array of industries today including:
- Aerospace
- Automotive, including Hybrid and EV
- Industrial Controls
- White Goods
- Telecoms
- Energy both Traditional and Renewable